Formed in March 2017, the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) is a national network of nine state and territory organisations that have been successfully delivering advocacy, information and education services to older people across Australia for more than 30 years.

ADA Australia
Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia provides advocacy support for older people and people with disability.

Australian Capital Territory
ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service supports people with disability, mental ill-health, older persons and their carers.

Advocacy Tasmania
Your say Advocacy Tasmania works for older people, people living with disability, mental health and AOD issues.

Western Australia
Advocare supports and protects the rights of older people through information, advocacy and education services.

South Australia
Aged Rights Advocacy Service
Aged Rights Advocacy Service supports older people to uphold their rights, including advocacy for Aboriginal communities.

NT postcodes 0852 to 0872
Catholic Care Northern Territory
Catholic Care provides advocacy services to older people, including programs and supports for Aboriginal communities.

NT postcodes 0800 to 0851
Darwin Community Legal Service
DCLS provides legal services and supports the rights of older people, people living with disability.

Elder Rights Australia
Elder Rights Advocacy supports older people, their representatives address issues related to their aged care.

New South Wales
Seniors Rights Service
Seniors Rights Service provides advocacy and legal advice, supporting the rights of all older people.
Learn more about our network
Watch the video below to learn more about our network